Horse riding is an enjoyable and thrilling experience. It is not just a hobby, it’s an art form that requires the right clothing for protection and comfort. Whether you're jumping cavaletti or galloping through fields, you need to be wearing the correct clothes for horse riding.

Wearing the right clothes when horse riding has many benefits. Not only does correct clothing help you look and stylish, but it can also keep you safe from any potential injuries that may be caused by inappropriate apparel. Correctly fitted garments can also improve your performance in the saddle, helping you to develop as a rider.

girl riding horse on equestrian dressage

From head to toe, here’s what to wear for horse riding:

Riding Hats

Wearing a helmet or riding hat is essential for safety and should never be overlooked. You can choose from different styles such as skullcaps or fixed peak depending on the type of riding you do. Remember to get your hat fitted correctly and make sure it meets current safety standards.

We advise going to a tack shop with a professionally trained hat fitter who can assist you with which hat is most appropriate for your needs. It doesn't matter whatever form of riding headgear you choose as a starter; as long as it is secured and suitable. The most important factor is that it fits your head, as well as some styles, are better suited to specific head shapes.


Long boots are best for riding, as they provide support and protection to your feet and ankles. Depending on the level of horse riding you plan on doing, there are different types of boots available designed to suit a variety of disciplines. Jodhpur boots or paddock boots with chaps can be worn when participating in flatwork such as dressage, while field boots are perfect for jumping activities like show jumping and cross-country.

If you’re just starting out horse riding or want to keep things simple, then jodhpur shoes are an ideal option. These shoes don’t require additional legwear because they already have a built-in hard sole that provides enough protection for feet against the stirrup.

Riding Trousers

It is recommended to wear riding breeches or jodhpurs when riding. These trousers are specially designed for horse riding and offer protection, comfort and grip, which help you stay in the saddle safely.

Choose a pair of breeches that fit correctly. They should be snug but comfortable - not too tight or loose - and allow freedom of movement without being restrictive. Riding breeches come in a variety of styles, so take your time to find the pair that fits both your discipline and body shape perfectly.

Make sure you have accessorized with gloves, belts and polo shirts if needed according to the uniform regulations of your level of horse riding. Now you’re all set to go out and enjoy your time in the saddle!

Riding Gloves

Gloves help you keep a better grip on the reins, which helps with control. They also offer extra protection from chafing or rope burn when handling ropes and other equipment.

Seasoned riders may develop calloused hands, particularly between the little and ring fingers, where the rein passes. When choosing riding gloves, look for a pair that offers good flexibility and comfort without being too bulky. Thin gloves are ideal as they allow you to feel the rein more accurately, while thicker ones may reduce your ability to feel the movement of the horse’s mouth. Natural leather is recommended, as this material is strong yet supple - perfect for controlling your horse with precision.

Body Protector

A body protector is an important protective item of clothing used in horse riding. It is designed to cushion falls and reduce the risk of injury in case of a fall.

Body protectors come with different levels of protection depending on their intended use, so make sure you pick one that matches your level and style of riding. We advise all body protectors to be fitted by a qualified person in store.


When it comes to horse riding clothing, safety should be your top priority. Comfort and style can come second - but don't forget to have fun with your choices!


riding girl and horse

With the right knowledge and advice from a professional fitter or tack shop owner, you can find the perfect look for your equestrian endeavours.

Don't forget that regardless of what type of horse riding clothing you choose, make sure it fits properly and meets all current safety standards. Happy Riding!